3 Personal Finance Tips You Need to Know

personal finance tips

There are a lot of personal finance tips out there, but what are the 3 personal finance tips you NEED to know? 

Personal finance can be quite overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. There’s a lot of content out there revolving personal finance tips, but here, you’ll find a list of top tips anyone can use to start their personal finance journey!

This post is all about personal finance tips. 

3 Personal Finance Tips You NEED To Know

1. Everyone starts somewhere.

Often times, especially when you look at how many followers, likes, posts someone has, it feels intimidating. However, something to keep in mind is that everyone starts somewhere. You’re looking at someone’s day 365, whereas you’re at day 1. More importantly, start somewhere, keep making progress, and stick to your plan. 


Start somewhere: make the savings transfer, deposit into your brokerage account, just do it! It’s important to make progress. By doing so, you build momentum, and before you know it, you’ve saved up more money than if you hadn’t started. 6 months down the road, you’ve put yourself in a way better position.

personal finance tips

2. Set a plan you’ll stick to

Remember the “A” in SMART from this post for Attainable? It’s important to set goals you can realistically achieve. By realistically achieve, I mean setting savings goals that don’t exceed your income and are feasible to achieve while maintaining your current lifestyle without stretching too thin. 


Baby steps. Start by setting small changes to your lifestyle that you can stick to, so that it makes you slightly uncomfortable so you can feel the squeeze, but not completely impractical that you give up after the third day.

personal finance tips

3. Automate!

Set it and forget it! Remember, the easiest way to build and sustain good habits is to make them as frictionless as possible. By automating your savings contribution, you don’t have to remind yourself to contribute every single month. As mentioned in tip #1, automating allows you to build momentum unconsciously.

personal finance tips

There you have it! 3 Personal Finance Tips You Need to Know! Comment below what was your favorite tip! & as always, let me know what else you’d like to see!


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