How to Save Money for Students

how to save money for students

How to save money for students? 

As a student, tuition, rent, food, and books/supplies already cost a lot. You don’t need everything else to add to that. That’s exactly why the blog post below shows you the top tips for how to save money for students!

This post is about how to save money for students.

Let’s dive into the top 5 ways on how to save money for students!

1. Amazon Prime Student

Let’s face it: we all love Amazon. They’re fast, customer service is amazing, and so unbelievably convenient. However, you need a membership. Best part is that you, as a student, can get a deep discount off your Amazon membership. As long as you show a screenshot of your class schedule, you can be eligible for up to 50% off of Amazon’s Prime membership! What a steal!

2. Costco

Another great lifestyle is Costco. They’re affordable, customer service is also amazing, and it’s an adventure every single time! Again, you need a membership, but once you get access, there are some steep discounts to be had! This is an especially good deal if you’re living with roommates – buy bulk and split the cost!

3. Student Discounts

Another great trick is to shop for student discounts! There are some awesome retailers that offer discounts to you just for being a student. It’s not to be underestimated how far 5 or 10% savings goes!


Here’s a great article that lists out more of the retailers that offer student discounts. Check out a few of the retailers below: 





Kate Spade

& more!

4. Introductory Internet Accounts

It’s inevitable in this day and age that you’ll need internet in your dorm or apartment. Something to keep in mind is the fact that internet providers offer discounts to new members! My personal favorite is Spectrum – who offers $50/month internet which is at a $25 discount from their usual rate. That’s 33% in savings – that’s huge!

5. Having a roommate

The biggest saving of all is having a roommate. This saves hundreds of dollars every month. 

There you have it! A list of ways for how to save money for students! Check this post out for more ways on how to save money on internet!