How to Negotiate Internet Bill

How to Negotiate Internet Bill

How to Negotiate Internet Bill?

Let’s take a step back and define an internet bill. 

What is an internet bill?

An internet bill is an invoice sent to the customer by the internet provider for the services the internet provider provides. 

This post is about how to negotiate internet bill. 

 Before even approaching your internet company, as part of any negotiation, you’ll have to do research. This is to have a good understanding of the facts and prepare for any counter arguments the internet company may have. Keep in mind, the last step in a negotiation is the negotiation itself! 

Let’s dive into the 7 ways on how to negotiate internet bill!

1. Research and Compare

Do your research on all the internet companies available to you. See what prices and packages they offer. There are a lot of internet companies out there, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You can throw all the information into a spreadsheet. List out the company, offer (internet speed), any bundling options, corresponding prices, and whether or not you’ll be “locked in”. Some companies will offer better prices if you commit to 12 months or 1 year. Every company is different, so it’s best to do some research to compare, and find the company that is most suitable for you while offering the best price. 


This is also a great time to compare your current situation with what’s available to you. You might find another company that’s a better deal than what you currently have. So the best choice would be to switch. However, before you pull the trigger, this is a time to write down reasons for switching when you talk to your internet provider. Because what’s the best option for everyone is for them to match the competitor’s pricing, so you don’t have to go through the hassle of switching. But again, your internet provider isn’t incentivized to charge you less without reasons! 


So, if you find a company that has a more competitive offer, and your current internet provider is not willing to budge on the internet bill, at least you know you have a more competitive offer on the table! In the end, you’re the winner! 

How to Negotiate Internet Bill

2. Reflect

How has the internet performance been in your experience? Have there been random outages with little to no reasonable explanations? Has it been excruciatingly slow when you’re in a meeting with some very important people and you suddenly cut out while presenting? These are also events to note and mention when speaking with your internet provider. They’re not sufficiently holding up their end of the deal, so if you state your dissatisfaction, they may bump you up to better service without charging you the extra amount! 


If they don’t offer to bump you to a better service, request a higher speed or ask for a discount due to the inconvenient issues you’ve been experiencing!

How to Negotiate Internet Bill

3. Loyalty

Have you been a loyal customer who is never late on paying your bills? This is another reason to mention when speaking to your internet provider. This is because you’re the model customer who pays on time, without any fuss or additional friction. They’d be foolish to lose you as a customer, so your internet provider may be more inclined to keep you on as a customer if they see that strong track record. 


This would also be a great opportunity to ask if they have discounts or other incentives for long-term customers! Either way, you can’t lose, so be sure to mention your loyalty! 

How to Negotiate Internet Bill

4. Be Polite and Patient

Remember to be polite and patient when you negotiate internet bill. The person you are speaking with is also human, and if you express your anger or treat them rudely right off the bat, they might be less inclined to help you out. Remember that! If you explain your situation and state any financial difficulties you’re having, they may empathize and find some programs you’d be eligible for. They’ll be more inclined to find ways to help reduce your bill if you’re polite about it.

How to Negotiate Internet Bill

5. Consider Bundling

Think home and auto insurance – it’s almost always more cost beneficial when you bundle. If you’re open to adding another item with your internet provider, this could be a great way to save some serious cash! Oftentimes, companies will offer cable TV and phone bundled with the internet at lower prices than if you were to purchase all 3 individually. 


On the other hand, if you’re bundling and find you don’t use some of the services included in the bundle, this would be a great time to remove services; therefore, lowering your internet bill!

How to Negotiate Internet Bill

6. Financial Situation Changes

If you’re experiencing any financial situation changes (unexpected expenses or job loss), this is a reason to mention when speaking to your internet provider. They may be able to offer a lower bill based on the financial hardship. This could be in the guise of a financial hardship program that you’re newly eligible for. 

How to Negotiate Internet Bill

7. Negotiate

The last and final step is the actual negotiation itself! Now that you’ve done your research, compared companies, found the best option for you, and have a list of reasons supporting a lower internet bill, it’s time to call your friendly internet provider, list all the reasons you’ve compiled, and ask them to lower your internet bill! 


Remember, start with being polite and patient to the representative. They are more likely to help you out if you’re polite and not rude or demanding. Provide your reasons for staying with the service, but mention any events that have led you to be dissatisfied with the service or internet bill. Then, provide reasons to resolve the dissatisfaction, ultimately leading them to lower your internet bill. 

How to Negotiate Internet Bill

To reiterate, the ways on how to negotiate internet bill are: 

  1. Research and compare
  2. Reflect
  3. Loyalty
  4. Be polite and patient
  5. Consider bundling
  6. Financial Situation Changes
  7. Negotiate!

There you have it! Interested in learning more about how to negotiate internet bill? Check this post out for how to pay off medical debt, including how to negotiate! 


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