What’s your job?

I’m an engineer during the day at a biotech company in SoCal. On nights and weekends, I like to work on my hobbies, which include tutoring, blogging, and learning about finance/investing.

What size are you?

My size differs depending on the brand/store.

WHBM: typical top size is 00, 00P, XXS, and XSP.

Nordstrom: XS or XXS.

A&F: 2S in pants, XS (tops), and XXS (sweaters, cardigans, and jackets).

J.Crew: XXS/XS, 00P/0P

What are your favorite stores/brands to shop from?

I’m currently loving: WHBM, J.Crew, A&F, Nordstrom, and Macy’s.